Many people across the globe love to take beach vacations once or twice a year, but, amongst all the countries, the US and Canada are on the top list. Around more than 50% of fun-loving Canadian residents are always ready to take beach vacations. Do you love aqua sports? If yes, then why not go for a Personal watercraft (PWC) like Jet Ski. Trust me, a Jet Ski ride will help in taking a social media break, releasing all your mental stress, and is an excellent source of entertainment. But, as you all know, every machinery and vehicle needs proper care and maintenance, the same lies in the case of Jet Ski. If you are ready to purchase it, then always do Jet Ski maintenance and proper care to sustain its longevity. Proper Jet Ski maintenance is essential before getting outside and have some fun. The Jet Ski, personal watercraft, and other small engine fun vehicles have been lonesome for far too long, and a reunion is in order. Follow the given rules and guidelines for Jet Ski maintenance and care if you wish to increase its life span. Just as there are steps to be taken to prepare our small machinery for storage in the winter, there are a few things that should be taken into account when preparing for the heat of the summer.

Jet Ski Maintenance Tips

In recent years, technological advancements in small engine design have simplified some preparations while complicating others. Take a moment to read through this article for a few ways to prepare the family’s favorite small engines for the hustle and bustle of the warm season. This article will surely help you in providing pro tips on Jet Ski maintenance to save your time and money both.

How to Maintain a Jet Ski?

Yes, we did say “fun” small engines, but mowing the lawn is a necessary evil. The lawnmower should be in tip-top shape before any of the fun ever begins. Here are a few simple tasks to complete to ensure the family has a nice, clean yard all summer long.

1. Check the Spark Plugs

Worn spark plugs can cause the engine to stutter and have trouble starting. Bad plugs will also lead to poor fuel efficiency. Spark plugs need to be replaced regularly so that the performance and speed of Jet Ski are improved. There are many reasons by which spark plugs can get damaged: Too much idling: If your Jet Ski remains idle for too long during winters, it might collect enough debris in the plugs, which will automatically cause damage to your Jet Ski, and it will not start. Too much fuel: Excess of anything is always bad. The same applies in the case of Jet Ski. If the tank gets overfilled or there is too much fuel, it will surely harm the spark plugs. Too much oil: If you overfill the oil, it will spill over spark plugs and cause leakage, which ultimately leads to damage. So, avoid too much of anything. Time: If your Jet Ski sits idle for too long, it will automatically damage the spark plugs. So, avoid idle time. These tips you need to follow to maintain your Jet Ski, improve its life span, and working conditions to enjoy leisure time in summers.

2. Check the Fuel Filter

A bad fuel filter will place the mower out of commission and could cause even more problems.

3. Maintain the Engine Fluids

Refresh all engine fluids. Depending on the size of the vessel, this step could be far more in-depth. Fluid usage depends on the varied models of a Jet Ski. A 2-stroke engine model needs to have a mixture of fuel and oil. But, similarly, if you possess a new model of Jet Ski with a 4-stroke engine, then there is no need to use a mixture of fluid and oil. As in new models, there are different compartments for fuel and oil. So, there is no need to use a mixture. If you plan to take out your Jet Ski, always inspect that the amount of fuel is as required. Always prefer a fuel stabilizer if storing your Jet Ski with fuel and make sure to clean it regularly for effective performance. A thorough inspection is then needed for an hour.

4. Replace the Oil

Every time the mower comes out of winterization, it will need a fresh dose of oil to keep everything running smoothly. Oil replacement is essential. Always use the new oil when you plan to take your Jet Ski out in summers. But, always remember to dispose of the fuel properly. Do not dispose-off in oceans leading to contamination of water bodies and harming marine creatures. Opt for a professional who can dispose of the oil properly without causing water pollution and the risk of fire.

5. Gas’ n’ Go

Should I use premium gas in my Jet Ski? Fill ‘er up, and get to mowing. Jet Skis always use regular gasoline and a premium one. It also depends on the model you have. If you want cost-effective gas, then use regular unleaded fuel. You might be thinking of what might be the difference between using regular gas and a premium one. The major difference lies in the octane level between the two. The level of octane is high in the premium gas to avoid combustion. Still, the higher octane does not serve better performance. It depends on the model of Jet Ski. The engines which need high octane fuel does not necessarily mean that they will give enhanced performance. Hence, all of it depends on the model and technology of Jet Ski.

6. Check and Fix Damaged or Loose Parts

If you are ready to chill out in summers with your companion, i.e., Jet Ski, be sure that you inspect all the parts like trim, wires, throttle cables, and more thoroughly. If any of the parts is damaged, get it repaired or replace it if it needs to be. It is but evident that you should not start the engine if fuel smell is coming out. It is an indicator of any damaged fuel tank, leakage, or oil spilling. A loose cable also has the same indication. You may opt for a pre-owned part if any replacement is required. It will be cost-effective and work like the newer ones. Test all switches and controls for adequate and appropriate power supply. Check to steer to tightness or looseness, and adjust them appropriately.

7. Check the Jet Ski Battery

Charge and install all batteries. Make sure the posts are clean and free of debris with new wing nuts and locknuts to keep the batteries secured. The battery is the main element you should always keep in mind before taking out your Jet Ski. Always make sure that the battery remains fully charged during your rides to improve its lifespan. If your battery remains fully charged, the formation of sulfate crystals on the plates will never happen. Go for a maintenance charger as it will help to give a long life to your battery and will provide you complete assurance that your Jet Ski is ready to out on the water in summers. I recommend you to invest in a maintenance charger. A battery always lasts longer with it. You will never late to enjoy the Jet Ski ride when you make your mind. Pro tips:

8. Flush the Jet Ski Engine

Whenever you plan to take out your Jet Ski, always keep in mind to flush out the engine whether you are riding in fresh or saline water, it hardly matters. All the debris collected like sand, slit, salt, weeds, algae, and much more of it gets flushed out. Flushing the engine avoids corrosion and damage. Modern Jet Skis have an inbuilt hose connector inside, which helps better and intensive interior cleaning. You need to attach a hose to the connector to start it and let it run for a few minutes to clean it properly. This will help to drain out all the waste ensuring the efficiency and longevity of your Jet Ski. Draining all of the water out of the exhaust is required. Just twist the throttle to do it. Keep the engine running while water is being added to the interior to clean it.

9. Clean Jet Ski Exterior

For the long life of your Jet Ski, you need to clean it extensively to avoid corrosion. Always wax it after proper cleaning so that it is prevented from harmful UV rays, which will fade the attractive and beautiful color of your Jet Ski. As you use a sunscreen to protect yourself from harmful rays of the sun, similarly take proper care of your Jet Ski before storing it. Always cover it and protect it from the sun rays.

10. Check the Boat Trailer

A thorough inspection of the boat trailer, its wheels, nails, and tire tread is required. Inspect trailer axles and bearings too, and if needed, replace it depending on the condition. Before taking out your Jet Ski, take care of your trailer and maintain it regularly and adequately, so that it can ready-to-transport your Jet Ski. It will save your time and money both.

11. Jet Ski Maintenance from Professionals

Apart from proper care and maintenance, every machinery, engine, or vehicle requires an annual service too. So, always try to give a proper professional service to your Jet Ski before taking it out. Servicing from professionals will improve its life and working conditions. Professional Jet Ski maintenance is required because, at times, it is difficult for you to take proper care. So, it is always beneficial if you take the help of a professional technician. Professionals offer varied services, including replacement of pump oils, lubrication of parts, changing the engine filter and oil. It is their task to ensure the proper maintenance and care of your Jet Ski once hired.

Winterize A Jet Ski

Winterizing our watercraft is important. Breaking the Jet Ski out for summer, however, is far more simple a process.

Check fuel and cooling lines for any cracks or leaks. Drain and replace the oil and the fuel in the engine. Adding a fuel stabilizer is recommended to keep everything running smoothly. Check the spark plugs for rust or excess moisture. Replace the air filter, if required. Charge the vehicle’s battery, and hit the waves. Reposition your Jet Ski for draining debris. Mix water and antifreeze in a bucket, which will help in preventing any fluid from freezing in your Jet Ski. Use the “how-to-use” instruction given on the antifreeze liquid package. Use an exhaust system to flush out the mixture. Always use car safe soap to wash and clean it extensively. It will remove any grime or algae. Rinse and dry before storing. Use a fuel stabilizer in your gas tank. Do not forget to lubricate the moving parts of Jet Ski to improve efficiency and performance. Before storing it, always remember to remove the battery. Cover your Jet Ski to protect from the harmful UV rays of the sun. Always store your Jet Ski in a secure garage.

These were certain key points you should remember before storing your Jet Ski in winters. It will always help to sustain longevity and performance.

Now You Know Jet Ski Maintenance

I hope you have got great insights about how to take proper care and maintain your Jet Ski. These Jet Ski maintenance tips will ensure great speed, a healthy lifespan, and effective performance. If you do not take Jet Ski maintenance on the serious note, then you will have to put great efforts and money both for the proper maintenance of your personal watercraft. Never compromise with its maintenance and care. Always schedule a proper professional servicing of your Jet Ski annually and as required. Before storing and after taking it out, ensure that you thoroughly inspect it and replace the parts as per the needs and requirements. I hope this article will help you, and you will find it worthy enough for Jet Ski maintenance and care every time you plan to take it out to chill out in hot scorching summers.

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