It’s certainly not an easy thing to get people to like you in the real world, let alone in cyberspace where your profile has to do the speaking for you, which requires people stumbling upon your profile through marketing or chance. Both these options are not very practical if you are a housewife or a student looking for your piece of the pie. How to grow an Instagram account? Do you know the easiest options to grow an Instagram account and get more Instagram followers, likes, and comments?

Do you dream of being Instagram glitterati? With all the filtered photos competing for space on Instagram, it is difficult to become famous on this social network. However, if you are looking to do some social media marketing, you cannot afford to ignore Instagram. It is the time when you should look for real Instagram followers. This network is known for its more engaged participation and a younger audience. The average Instagram user is between 14-24 years. This demographic segment gets excited very fast and loses interest just as quickly. If you are interested in getting thousands of likes and flowers from this base, your content must be engaging and constant lest you become an overnight sensation. How can you do it? It’s a real question – how to grow your Instagram? When it comes to social competition and brand development, the numbers never lie. Therefore, it has become a trend to grow real Instagram followers. With over one billion real active users, it’s a well-loved social media platform. The talk about ‘buying’ followers is nothing new. Yet, many are unaware as to what the benefits are and what should a business do? Instagram’s early introduction as a fun application for kids has turned into a good product advertising, networking administration, and audience-building instrument for people and brands. It’s a standout amongst the most popular networking sites on the planet. Despite all the scandals that have shaken the users’ trust in them, social networks remain one of the most important media for publishers and advertisers, not to mention influencers, to stay in touch with their followers and potential customers. It means Instagram is one of the most important channels and will likely maintain its relevance in upcoming years, too. Thus, building a good following on networks like Facebook and Instagram will continue to be an important goal for anyone hoping to make a living on the internet. Here are a few of the best tips on how to grow an Instagram account fast.

How to Get More Followers on Instagram?

There are certain methods that you need to follow when trying to find success on Instagram. Like any social media, it is an ever-changing field, and the best possible advice you can learn is that always expect the unexpected and stay updated all the time. That is how you can stay ahead of your competition. Firstly, you need to know how Instagram works. Instagram is an app that is solely based on pictures and tags. You should always use relevant tags to your picture, or your content might get lost. Millions of people use Instagram every day, and there is a chance your content might get lost on the search page. So it is essential to gain more and more Instagram followers and likes within the first few hours of posting it. Always try to post good quality content, and try staying relevant to your overall timeline for the color scheme and content theme. Instagram allows up to 30 tags at present, and you can always go to the tags and find more relevant tags to put in your post. Also, you should like some random posts related to your tags. Chances are, half of them will probably return the favor, and in any case, new people will visit your timeline, and if they like what they see, then they might decide to follow. It is how your community will grow. Also, Instagram at present allows video posting, and previously, it was up to 15 seconds. However, now they have increased it to 1 minute, and you can use this feature to do various things. You can post trailers or ads or mini promotional videos to increase audience interest. Also, many musicians have decided to promote their work on Instagram as it does not take as much work as on YouTube, and they can just post snippets of their music on Instagram. Still, Instagram is a site that endorses visual things, so it is important that your content be primarily visually appealing. With good content and proper timing, you can expect constant growth in the number of your Instagram followers.

How to Grow An Instagram Account?

This inquiry is the only one you can answer, and before you can even start the procedure, it is essential to make sense of why you need real Instagram followers in any case. The one broadly acknowledged motivation behind why a business or an individual would need to them is to upgrade their brand image. With a vast social following comes numerous advantages and openings, which we will discuss in the rundown beneath. The more followers you have on the platform, the better, and the tips below are intended to help swell your fan base and ensure as many people as possible see your imagery. You may think about how to grow an Instagram account. Hereunder are a few ways.

1. Make the most of your bio

It’s one of the most important things on your Instagram profile. Do you want your bio to the only link to your website homepage, now and forever? Well, you need to make sure that you update your bio at least-weekly and remember to use that clickable link in your bio to drive traffic to your content.

2. Personalize your theme

Own your Instagram account by giving it a personalized touch of your interests, but don’t go overboard with it. Look around on Instagram. You will find that those doing very well on Instagram have created their identities through nice, such as Sports, Travel Logs, Food Pictures, and even Makeup. You have to find your calling and do something unique on Instagram.

3. Great content

Put content that gets attention out there. Instagram is more of a visual platform, so get your camera clicking on what you want to promote on Instagram if you get seen with a celebrity, even at the danger of being labeled a groupie. Go to exciting places and tell your fans about it. With more Instagram followers, the more, the better, so post as much as you can but avoid looking, narcissist.

4. Jump into it, show your presence

Social media is all about appearance, and the better the presentation, the more the people you touch and the more the people you feel better the exposure. Therefore, better exposure means more likes and follows for you. Once you have decided your area of expertise to upload pictures on, you can now jump on to other people’s posts and start showing your presence. Explore the Photos and People options through the search to get started on this.

5. Make a theme for your photos

Cool, so on the off chance that you took after #1, individuals will generally begin to see your username and may look at your profile, give them something to fall in love with! We’ve discovered that it truly creates a theme for your Instagram. Record a couple of words that you need individuals to connect with your account. We trust individuals glean that it’s brilliant, artistic, and brimming with adoration. Which words would you use for your account? Once you’ve settled on a theme, attempt your hardest to stick to it.

6. Be consistent with your pictures

When a user first visits your Instagram feed, he or she doesn’t see a stream of your latest posts but a grid with all the latest pictures you have shared. If these photos share many things in common – colors, topics, frames, and such – they will give it an air of consistency and stability, making it more attractive and alluring to a potential follower.

Hashtags are based on popular trends, which is also the smart use of Hashtags. If you use a Hashtag that is too generic such as “Love,” who would notice it or stumble upon your pictures through this hashtag? Maybe one out of a million, but if you start using trending Hashtags and post relevant content that complements your base theme as well, Bingo! You have the perfect recipe to get noticed and get popular. When posting a new update, make sure you use hashtags to engage with your audience and potentially gain new followers. But not just any hashtags – use the ones that are relevant to your updates’ topic. Tagging your photos with the top trending hashtags might bring you a few new visitors, but only using the appropriate hashtags with your update will help you turn them into followers. It doesn’t mean that you need to keep away from trending hashtags – on the contrary. Prepare relevant content for the trending topics in advance – think #blackfriday, #feelingthankful, or #christmas, for example – and post it with the appropriate hashtag when the right time comes for it. Oh, and avoid banned hashtags.

8. Update often and consistently

The more often you update your Instagram feed, the more followers you’ll get – this is the conclusion the people behind Tailwind have reached after studying more than 100,000 Instagram accounts. According to their data, the profiles that post at least once a week – or more often – get way more likes and followers than those who post more infrequently. Growing your posting frequency to at least once a day (or more) can help you grow your following faster than anything else.

9. Timing Matters

It’s not just about the theme, content, hashtags, but also about how you time all these things together. If you start using a Hashtag on an event that was used five days ago, would it be of any good to you? Absolutely not, because there would be so much content based on that single hashtag that you would not be able to get your presence. Be smart and time your posts right. Last but not least, let’s take a look at the best time of the day to post if you are looking to grow your Instagram following: the time when your followers are most active. You can find information about this right inside your Instagram app by tapping on your profile photo, tapping the “Instagram Insights” (bar chart) icon, then scrolling down to “Followers” and tapping “See more.” This section will give you vital information about what times of the day and what days of the week your followers are most active – and serve them with fresh content around this time of the day. If you have a business profile (no Instagram Insights), you can use third-party tools like Iconosquare to access this information and find the right time to post an update.

10. Post questions

Questions intrigue curiosity, and when you start posting questions to other people, you intrigue their interest not just towards the question but the person posting it as well. 8 out of 10 times, they would also want to know the person or the profile posing the question, which means more views for your Instagram. Drawing attention to questions is an easy and sophisticated way to do things on Instagram instead of going crazy over everyone and look like a spammer.

11. Don’t leave other social media platforms out

It means cross-posting on Instagram and appearing on Facebook and Twitter. This way, you can capture your fan and following base on the different social networks. Cross sharing works wonders as those who like your posts will eventually get on Instagram and follow you from there. It means more chances to grow your Instagram followers.

Another key feature to take care of is extending your reach through other social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Ameba, and People know you there more than just your pictures, and they would give you more attention on these platforms because of your connection with them. You have to go to the Linked Account settings page via the settings page on your Instagram and look for the best options you can avail to extend your network. You will find all the available options on the Linked Accounts page to start networking.

12. Prove you are a guru

Appear to be the wise one on a topic, and you will get many followers of the topic. It works well, especially for personal products like skin creams, which you can easily show off by posting great-looking skin. Post and post, and soon you will be considered an expert.

13. Encourage followers to take action

It does not sound simple. People are more likely to do something if you ask them to do it. When it comes to sharing a quote or “Like” photos. You have to ask them to like, share, and comment, and if they do it, ask your followers to tag a friend as well!

14. Double-tap in return

Many Instagram users will like being appreciated. Take time to double-tap and comment. It might prompt the user to check you up and double-tap in return. Users will consider you a friend after 2 or 3 likes. With this method, you could be getting like 20 or more Instagram followers per day.

15. Like photos in your niche

We suggest going through other people’s photos each night and liking 5-10 photos on someone’s account. It would also help if you leave a genuine comment and give them a follow. Because doing so would not help you get your brand name out there and allows other users to find you. We suggest doing this primarily to users in your niche. How to find users in your niche? You can check hashtags, or you can view and follow back the followers of your favorite Instagrammers.

16. Communication is the key

It is usual for any Instagram user to find a person who posts engaging things and likes. More often than not, such a person has numerous followers because of the great things that they post. Along these lines, it is fitting to attempt and talk with such a person and endeavor to start a discussion that can invite his/her followers to click your profile to see the sort of things that you post. Subsequently, that would lead you to get more followers over the long haul.

17. Ask your other followers to follow you back

Whether you have a blog, Twitter, or Facebook, it doesn’t matter. It’s wrong to assume that your people are already following you on every platform. Well, they aren’t! Share a quick tweet, update your Facebook status, encouraging them to follow you on Instagram. It will reel in more followers than you think. So what are you waiting for? Get going to grow your Instagram. Happy Instagramming!

18. Use Instagram tools

There are very good tools to analyze how well you are doing on Instagram. Get more Instagram followers and likes using tools, and these will tell you who likes your posts and those you are following and following back, and many more trends.

19. Follow celebrities

Get followed by a celebrity, and you will be surprised at how many fans will have faith in you. It might not be easy, but with always liking their posts and making loads of faithful follower’s comments, they might feel obliged to follow you in return. It is an open endorsement, and if you couple it with a picture together, you are good to go.

20. Flow with the crowd

Do not forget the flow with the crowd. If there is a hot trend, jump on it and run with it and engage those interested in it. This way, Instagram followers of others will love to follow you. What other methods are you using to grow your Instagram followers? Share your tips in a comment below.

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