If this sounds too foreign to you, worry not because this post is meant to give you a full guide on how to get backlinks. Keep reading, gather as much information as possible and be ready to make that website one of the most visited websites.

Today, many webmasters are used to buying backlinks. This is because the word around is that paid backlinks tend to give your website a remarkable boost when it comes to Search Engine Results Pages (SERP). However, not to so many webmasters understand that backlinks that come naturally are highly recognized by Google and other search engines as opposed to paid links. According to search engines, other sites will only link to a website that is trusted, valuable, and interesting. Additionally, other sites will link to a website if it has high-quality content. Therefore, if you have a blog or a website, here are some important ways of generating more backlinks to your site/blog. But the webmaster should avoid the biggest WordPress SEO mistakes.

1. Actively Comment on Blogs

This is one of the simplest things to do but also one of the most beneficial things to do. Ensure that you comment on other bloggers’ webpages. Put more focus on blogs that allow you to comment and leave your website’s URL either in the comment itself or in your user profile. However, ensure that your comments are meaningful and naturally placed. Irrelevant comments will be discarded as spam, hence reducing your chances of getting quality backlinks.

2. Participate in Forums

Forum participation is more or less similar to blog commenting. You should focus on forums that are related to your website or blog. When you find forums that are within your niche, you can choose to either join the conversation on existing threads or start your own thread. Forums are beneficial because they allow you to leave your web address on your forum profile, in your signature profile or even in the comment itself.

3. Participate in Article Directories

Longing for more permanent links? Look no further; article directories are a perfect way for webmasters to get more permanent backlinks to their sites. Search for the top article directories and submit your articles to the directories. Ensure than you have a maximum of 2 backlinks on each article. However, be informed that these articles need to be unique, relevant and not promotional.

4. Buoy up Content Sharing

Your content will reach magnitudes if it is easily sharable among internet users. Therefore, try as much as possible to add share buttons on your posts. At the end of each post, leave a friendly reminder for your readers by asking them to leave a comment or share the content. By so doing, you can be assured that 6 out of 10 readers will share your content as long as it is valuable and interesting enough. Here are the 7 content marketing strategies to get backlinks.

How to Get Backlinks for Your Website  - 7