Nevertheless, this shouldn’t stop you. All you need to start earning money online is the curiosity to take the first step, learn about the methods of making money, and dedicate some time to try everything yourself. In time, curiosity might lead to motivation to climb higher and earn more. With this attitude, you might start working harder, longer hours, and you might feel amazing knowing that you’re going towards your vision or your goals. All this might happen, but you’ll never know if you don’t try everything yourself. Even if you fail, you can always try again by finding an answer, why did you fail. That’s why to get you started, here’s a list of 6 online businesses you can start as a beginner.

Easy-to-start Online Business Ideas

1. Online Store

If you ever wanted to make your online store, now is the best time to do that, since there are many digital tools and guides on how to do everything. Moreover, you could start your online store for free, using a drop-shipping method. By using this method, you sell products you don’t physically have, but once you get an order from your customer, you make the same order, but for a cheaper price from your supplier. You can start something as simple as an online t-shirt store with funny memes, slogans, or good-looking designs. Moreover, you can even browse different free t-shirt templates that match your idea. All you need to start is a free WordPress page with an attractive theme, a few plugins installed like WordPress order forms, so you can get paid, and a marketing plan.

2. Writing a Blog

If you have something you could share with others, you should consider starting a blog. There are many blogs out there; that’s why it could be hard and take some time to monetize it. Nevertheless, there are a lot of tricks and tips for bringing traffic to your website, and you need to be creative and find a way that works best for you and your niche. Moreover, you can earn money from ads, paid posts from sponsors, links for SEO, or affiliate programs. Good blogs can earn a lot, and it just takes time and effort to get there.

3. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a process of connecting people to products or services and getting a commission if there’s a sale. You can think about this business as getting paid for recommending others to buy a product. There are many ways to do that, like in the example above – starting a blog and having a lot of readers. Other people start YouTube or become influencers on Instagram or other social media. Even if you don’t want to select this approach, you can always hire other blogs, YouTube channels, or influencers on the internet to share your affiliate program with their audiences in hopes of landing a sale and getting paid.

4. Lead Generating

Similarly, to affiliate marketing, lead generation is the same exact process of connecting the consumer to the product. The difference is how you’re getting paid. With lead generation, you’re getting paid to accumulate a list of people and their contact list, who are most likely to buy a specific product or service. So, for example, if you’re gathering leads for an insurance company, you might look for people who would be interested in investing in their wellbeing in old age. Further reading: Paid Advertising Amenities for Lead Generation

5. Start an Ad Agency

Before we start, let us calm you down; it’s not as hard as it seems. There are a lot of different activities you can choose from. You can start running Google or Facebook Ad campaigns, maybe you’ll start creating ad designs, or maybe you’ll be using influencers on Instagram, YouTube, or Twitter to land a sale for your client. Moreover, if you would like to create and manage ad campaigns on Google or Facebook, but don’t know how there’s a lot of free information online. You can start by working for others for free until you will feel comfortable charging others for your work.

6. Become a Virtual Assistant

Those people who are rather successful with their online business are always in need of good virtual assistants. They require people who could manage their social media accounts like Instagram – to write comments and engage with their audience. They also require people who could do the technical work, like fulfilling orders on their online store or updating the store’s information. There are many other tasks virtual assistants could be doing, and the best thing is that you can use this to your advantage to learn from the already successful people, so you could start doing your own business. Lastly, a virtual assistant could make a good amount of money if they have expertise and skills.

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