If you want to ensure your target audience finds you – and sticks around to see what you have to say – having an engaging blog is the way to go. Adding a blog to your site will certainly increase traffic and, if done right, help you generate conversions. In many cases, all of this can be accomplished without any additional business expenses.

Why Your Business Needs A Blog?

Here are three ways a blog can benefit a small business as well as a medium:

1. Increase Engagement and Grow Your Brand

A blog personalizes your website. Reading about topics related to your small business and industry may entice readers to discover more on the rest of your company’s website – especially if they find something of value or interest in your content. A blog is like a stream of free information, and customers are grateful for it. While a website gives your audience a chance to see what your company is about, it isn’t usually a conversation. A blog can start a conversation, however. Blog posts let readers engage with your content, and even comment on it. There are several other ways a blog will engage your audience and grow your brand. A blog can:

Connect with your site visitors by asking them questions Create rapport with your customers by responding to them Gain insight into what your audience is seeking Increase loyalty and build a deeper connection Communicate your brand vision better Be the centerpiece of your social media strategy Show customers a more personal side of your business Build credibility and leadership for your brand

Talking with your target audience is much easier when you have something to talk about – and a blog post can start that conversation. When you respond, it’s an opportunity to share your mission, not just with the person who commented on the post, but also with other readers and followers.

2. Propel Your Search Engine Optimization Efforts

Building up your website’s blog will help consumers find your site and should help with search engine optimization. A blog with relevant information and multimedia will give Google’s crawlers more content to find on your website. High-quality content increases the likelihood that a potential customer will discover your small business when using a search engine to find something specific. Consistent blogging with new and relevant content increases the opportunity for Google to prominently feature your website by giving you a chance to leverage keywords for optimal search engine results. And the more relevant and highly optimized pages you have on your site, the more visibility you should have.

3. Become a Leading Brand in Your Industry

A relevant and up-to-date blog helps consumers gain trust in your product. Offer valuable content, and they’ll see you as valuable. One way to do this is by creating a blog that gives your audience something to read that they care about or can use to their benefit. Once you do, you gain credibility in your industry. Consumers would rather patronize a business that offers value on its website. Valuable content suggests knowledge, reliability, and skill in your industry. Here are some other ways a blog will help you succeed in your industry. A blog can:

Give your customers a sense of your company’s vision and personality Show your company’s brand perspective Help your company stand out from others in the industry Build up your credibility and lead to sales conversions 3 Reasons Small Business Should Start a Blog   Online Strategy - 25