If you can fit all the tips on your right, congratulations, you have a perfect right, so not much wind, here I’m putting a brief to help you. Come on!
How to create eye-catching logos?
1. An eye-catching logo works at vertical
When creating an eye-catching logo, design it to suit anywhere, if it does not adapt, create two versions of the logo, it is called reproduction.
2. It works without a box around
Many logos as colorful do not fit anywhere, so whenever the designers have to put a white box when you place the logo anywhere, and that’s boring, it seems until the white box is part of the logo.
3. You can do it manually
You can easily remember it and draw manually, as well as the logo of Pepsi, it is easy to remember is not to draw too.
4. Use less than two sources
This is the most basic of all, all soon to follow with only a printing press.
5. The abstract comes before the literal
Whenever you create a logo for your company, think of one or more concepts to apply the logo to represent the final state of the logo, have to be in a minimal form the beginning, finally, to represent and easily pass the message to the person to see.
6. The mark is the sum of all the right not
This is pretty simple is not the logo is only a visual identity of your company is one of the most important parts, but outside the visual products, how to sell, place, and other things depend so your company has a successful brand.
7. The logo is a suggestion
As I previously said an eye-catching logo is just a visual cue of what your business is, you need not put all the elements of your business in just a symbol, only one element is chosen and can represent everything that your company can do.
8. The aim of the logo is to represent your company
A simple symbol to do with representing your brand, an example is Pepsi, Nike, Addidas, McDonald’s these brands do not need to write their names next to the symbol, only you see you already know which company is, you know?
9. Do not ask “green or blue,” ask “technical or popular”
Always before creating the logo you will have to define which colors it will have, the colors have a key role in creation, but before knowing the colors look to know the segment and what kind of customers you want to attract, from that as you understand colors you can easily direct the correct color for your job.
10. Set the mark and then run
After you met the mark, which segment, target audience, product, service, location, and style, you can easily from this information to define a form for an eye-catching logo.
11. Do not worry, and there will always be people who will not like your logo
Working with something subjective is so, each has his taste, his style and even more when the client does not know anything about design, so do not be nervous that this is part of everyday life, look at it as feedback, leave for a second option or create a logo that is satifatório for both parties (you and your customer).
Extra tips for designing a perfect logo
Also listed some tips that cannot miss in creating an eye-catching logo, follows: – Make sure your logo will have problems when passed to PB (black and white) – Do not abuse the gradient – Create in the vector – Do not use edge – Be minimalist – An eye-catching logo can be applied to various materials
Now it’s up to you!
I hope you enjoyed the article, now just starting to fight and create your own if you think we missed something to share with us, thanks for visiting!